Black USA News Coverage of the 6th Annual Black Blockchain Summit

By KHubbard | Crypto with Kamal | 27 Sep 2023


Last week, I rejoined the Doni Glover Show to discuss the Black Blockchain Summit and this time was accompanied by two amazing individuals I have a tremendous amount of respect for. Mr. Eric Lance Gutherie, Esq. and Dr. Tyrone Taburn. Eric Gutherie is an attorney at law and author of Blockchain or Die and Dr. Taburn is the creator of the STEM City USA Metaverse. It was great to speak with all three gentlemen on the importance of blockchain during the 6th Annual Summit taking place in Washington DC.





This trip could not have happened without the support of ICP.Hub North America. I am truly grateful for their support of me and their interest in outreach and inclusion of people of all backgrounds to build and be inspired by the Internet Computer Protocol. Along with ICP.Hub North America, a huge thank you goes out to Rockridge for creating this incredible custom shirt. Randy Wells did an exceptional job putting it together for me. Finally, the perfect occasion to wear this stylish garment has arrived at the Black Blockchain Summit in #WashingtonDC. I can't express enough how impressed I am with the thoughtful design and expert craftsmanship of Rockridge's clothing. What truly stands out, however, is the kindness and support they have provided during my #blockchain journey.






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Crypto with Kamal
Crypto with Kamal

Crypto with Kamal is a show that covers all things blockchain technology and Web 3.0. Whether it is Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), or Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs); every episode will feature a discussion to help newcomers to cryptocurrencies understand these complex concepts better and give people already acquainted with digital assets a more meaningful understanding.

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