#HuobiDerivatives Quiz Answers | 18 AUGUST | ALL 5 QUIZ

Huobi Derivatives Quiz!

Completing all  5 Quizzes correctly makes you eligible to win $6,500 HT prize pool.

Every Quiz has two modes :
a) Beginner - contains 1 Question
b) Expert - contains 2 Questions

Expert Mode has one additional question to the Beginner Mode. Hence and additional pool of $1000.

Deadline : 8 AM (GMT) on 18th August, 2021

1) Open Huobi Futures Account
2) Do all 5 Quizzes
3) Liked the pinned tweet (given below)


Quiz 1 Link - https://t.co/t3uU22kzzU?amp=1

Answer -

quiz 1

Quiz 2 Link - https://t.co/OHUz0Bj8bp?amp=1

Answer -



Quiz 3 Link - https://t.co/FC1kknCFyW?amp=1

Answer -



Quiz 4 Link - https://t.co/ztAASh0DwJ?amp=1

Answer - 



Quiz 5 Link - https://t.co/I476xRDHbz?amp=1

Answer -



Video with all answers [ hit a like to blog ]

Link -

End of Quiz

FabPure - https://fab-pure.medium.com/


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Hello Everyone! I am FabPure I am a masters graduate in Marketing. I love personal Finance and everyday I try making less mistakes in taming this animal called - Blockchain. Learning from my mistakes I try to impart that experience in my circle. ^_^

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