Flare Tokens Native PipeFlare.io currency

Flare Token (1FLR), the native currency of PipeFlare becomes tradable

By Laurentiu Artugyan | Crypto Traveler | 28 Oct 2021

Among the crypto faucets that I've used and I'm still using is PipeFlare.io. This crypto faucet offers the opportunity to claim three tokens: ZCash, Polygon Matic and Flare Token (1FLR). Previously it was available DOGE, but it has been recently replaced with MATIC. Even if I've used this crypto faucet for many months, I was asking what I can do with Flare Token that I'm claiming on this faucet. These tokens can be staked on PipeFlare.io platform, but few days ago I've saw that Flare Token was available to withdraw. For example these tokens may be withdrawn into MetaMask. You can discover more about how you can do this while reading this blog post.

After adding this token into my MetaMask wallet, I've went on CoinMarketCap to see the price, but is was zero. Today when I was claiming my coins while using this platform, I've noticed that besides the prices for Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin, prices that are shown live on this crypto faucet platform, there was also the price for 1FLR token.

Pipeflare coins prices

So, I've checked on CoinMarketCap to see if this token has a price above zero. And YES, Flare Token has now a value on CoinMarketCap, meaning that it can be sold or it can be used to swap into another coin while using MetaMask for example.

Flare Token (1FLR) tradable

If you haven't used yet PipeFlare.io in order to claim crypto, then you can do it here. This project seems to have an interesting future since it has been moved into Polygon MATIC blockchain few weeks ago. This shows that the project is still developing, being a project focused on games and technology, being used by games developers.

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Laurentiu Artugyan
Laurentiu Artugyan

Tour guide, Content Writer, Blogger and Life Coach. Passionate about personal development, I'm always searching for new challenges. So I've dived into crypto market, a different world that stays in front of us. More details at laurentiuartugyan.com.

Crypto Traveler
Crypto Traveler

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