The FTX Debacle And Its Solana Impact

By InsideCrypto | Inside Crypto Podcast | 16 Nov 2022

Hey Solanians….. I’m so sorry for what some of you are going through. Know that you will get through this... This is the thirteenth episode of our SOLI focused segment of the Inside Crypto podcast. In this series we plan to cover the latest news regarding the constituents of our Solana Ecosystem Index. They are Serum, mSOL and MNDE, Raydium, Aldrin, Solend, UXP, Mango, Tulip and Oxygen Protocol. This episode was recorded on November 14th 2022.

Today we discuss how resilient the Solana ecosystem has been. From forking Serum to stabilizing the price of Solana. These stories and many more on today’s episode.

Thanks everyone for listening and don’t forget to tune in next week where we help you to get to grips with what is going on in the Polygon Ecosystem.

𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 ℂ𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕤:

0:00 - Intro
0:40 - TLDR (Surviving FTX)
2:27 - Solana TVL on Defilama
3:29 - New Show Times (Housekeeping)
4:39 - @CoinDesk News Summary
6:58 - What FTX Did Wrong
8:22 - Moving to Open Serum
9:02 - Marinade Explains Solana's Power
10:19 - Solana Stories From Marinade
11:07 - Raydium Pauses Serum
12:15 - Solend Not Greatly Impacted by FTX
12:59 - Aldrin Forks Serum
13:53 - UXD Protocol Didn't Have Any FTX Assets
14:31 - Mango V4 Launching Soon
15:12 - Tulip Stops New Positions
15:36 - Outro

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Inside Crypto Podcast
Inside Crypto Podcast

Welcome to Inside Crypto by The crypto podcast for the crypto-curious, by the world's leading crypto research company. Inside Crypto is a crypto-native podcast that gives you the latest on the evolving industry, the DeFi world, and insight on how global events are moving digital asset markets. Inside Crypto uses proprietary research and industry experts to provide you with the most up-to-date findings on this evolving asset class two times a week. Tune in!

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