Three Crypto Firms Teaming Up to Launch New DeFi Lending Platform

By VNFC | crypto sessions | 24 Jul 2020

good day to all of you

as I expected in the end of 2019, the DEFI is the new hype for this year. for people who have already the money, it could be an easier and private way to get more for using it in investments. For the poor people, in is worse, because they don't have collateral needed for accessing the funds. So, the rich get richer, as always.

of course, this is not the point of this article, it was just my observation.


the subject of today is what Defi news have and what improvements could bring to the ecosystem:

according to

Blockchain firms Cosmos, Polkadot, and Terra are teaming up to launch Anchor – a new decentralized finance (DeFi) product that promises to generate passive income by offering reliable interest rates on stablecoin deposits.


As we know already, Cosmos is a well known project since last year Binance listing and Polkadot is a very hyped and awaited blockchain platform for it's features, like sidechain blockchains and stuff. Well, Terra is an Korean blockchain payment network project of Terraform Labs with a basket of coins in their hands, the most important one is LUNA, used as collateral for their stablecoins. You can see their way of action here.They seems to be a very promising project with big partnerships already done, such CHAI, for example, the number one payment app in South Korea now.


Terraform Labs, Do Kwon - CEO

So, what this new DEFI project could bring us?

- it looks like having Polkadot and Cosmos, this DEFI will be able to operate across blockchains, not being stuck in Ethereum or EOS or Tezos platforms. This should increase the adoption of it and if everything is well managed, like speed, privacy, security or fees, it should have be successfull. Terra is coming also with a large number of potential south korean customers and not only and this should be the push start they could need for getting our attention.

So, watch this Anchor project and try to see if it could be a plus for you.



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