Honeygain has increased its earnings with 30% boosted earnings.

By sleepyjey | Crypto Queries | 4 Jul 2024

To start off, I'm quite thrilled as I just got paid by Honeygain to my paypal account - just over 50 USD. My earnings are presently using only one computer. I'd be earning much more if I used my phone etc.  


Honeygain has increased its earnings in two ways and you should jump on board now. 

1. Boosted earnings by 30% for every user actively participating. Maximize your income now! For a limited time, all users earn 30% more by simply sharing your internet connection. 


2. Increased referral earnings. 

To celebrate our 5th birthday, we’re giving $5 for a new sign-up and an extra +25% bonus on referral shared traffic! 🐝🎁


Let me know if you have any queries. If you're already a member, get active again. 

If you're not a member, click here to join for free. 

This is a short video on how honeygain works for your information. 


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