I'm using Status crypto messenger for several years (if you use it too - you can find me and message me there @ cryptotexty). Still, that's a fact that even now the majority of crypto people prefer Telegram, but this might be changing as Web3 is growing as a trend.
However, there are more news in the Status ecosystem and some of them I'll share now.
Just recently it was a nice surprise to get ENS airdrop thanks to Status! I wrote about it a separate post.
Recently Nimbus
was released. It is alow-urgency
hotfix release, eliminating a risk for potential crash during block production that was introduced in thev22.8.1
release. https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth2/releases/tag/v22.8.2 -
Smart Appliance Spying - new interesting article on Status blog about nowadays privacy and security. https://our.status.im/smart-appliance-spying/
And in case you were not aware about Status and didn't use it - check this video about Status Reborn: The Future of Crypto Social (coming 2023).