Is the current Ukrainian conflict affecting crypto prices?

By garethvjones | Crypto Nomad | 27 Nov 2022

I read GriffinTor's article The Bull Market starts Tommorow..What would you do?? with great interest and thought to myself "Is the current Ukrainian conflict affecting crypto prices?"

It's allegedly, affecting the price of everything else around the world right now, so why not cryptocurrency? I say allegedly because supermarkets are posting record profits, despite there being a cost of living crisis. That's a post for another day though.

If the Russian / Ukraine war is affecting prices, what would the outcome of peace be? 

I believe that this conflict has gone on for too long and can't see it ending any time soon. I'm not even sure what Russia want from this war anymore. They're not really gaining any traction and they've pretty much been cut off from the rest of the world.

Or does it not really have an affect at all? With the recent demise of FTX, are we all being a little bit more cautionary with where we invest our money?

I've just put some money into silver, believing that precious metals are always worth holding in a portfolio, having read somewhere on here that I should diversify. But will those prices fluctuate also? I understand that prices fluctuate regularly, but I meant in a dramatic way. Isn't war meant to be good for gold prices generally?

Photo by Алесь Усцінаў 

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