By Gamerents | Crypto Newbie Corner | 27 Mar 2021

So it's been roughly a month now since I've started... well I won't say investing into cryptocurrencies but I suppose you could more or less say I have been attempting to educate myself on the subject to day I have done little more than invest $12 recently into ARNK while it was going at 0.12 a token yesterday. Let me start by saying I am in no way an expert I wouldn't even categorize myself on any educated level of the minuscule amount that I know about investing, please do not ever follow my examples in the ways in which I choose to spend and or if you're talking to my wife...waste my efforts.

Having said that I look this morning and was delighted to see that the $20 of my various other cryptocurrencies I had also traded for more ANKR had flourished, suddenly I felt like all my troubles were behind me that I would no longer have to sit in front of my washer any longer hand draining it through a series of tubes (if you're looking for a more indepth detail here please try to remember this id about cryptocurrencies not washer repair) out struggles were over I had made roughly and my math may be off here $10! But wait now its $9.96....9.78...10.01!!!...9.45... whats happening here aren't all of my financial struggles over?! Suddenly I find myself constantly flipping back to my phone to check what's happening... my god what if this was thousands of dollars I was dealing with I couldn't imagine the stress perhaps I'm better off just being pour milking at the teets of my local faucets for sweet sweet satoshis because one day it'll all be worth it.

The truth is I have little to no idea what I'm doing but its still kinda fun to learn so far I've just been sticking to coinbase with their small amount of free cryto while I'm in my learning phase.

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Father.Son.Part-time Robot

Crypto Newbie Corner
Crypto Newbie Corner

I'm just a crypto newbie just trying to make it in a big new crypto world.

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