XRP on Robinhood, Maybe

If you're looking for Ripple (XRP) to be present on Robinhood so you can throw a few dollars at it, you might be waiting a bit longer. While our Euro-friends got to enjoy an early entry without much fanfare but lots of activity, no such luck is available for U.S. buyers currently. The news broke earlier today, providing a big break for Ripple given how fast it was delisted a few years ago by the likes of Coinbase and Binance. However, the actual availability of the coin isn't quite operational yet.

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Keep in mind, the SEC's grand battle royale with XPR isn't over either. The federal government continues to labor under the mistaken impression that it will somehow convince XRP inc. to roll over. The SEC obviously picked the wrong battle  and then, stupidly, doubled-down to take on Coinbase at the same time. The last thing you do when in a fight with a wolf is then go and pick a fight with a bear on your backside. 

So, now that XRP is getting big time attention, especially after Grayscale backed an XRP Trust instrument and gave the token legitimacy again, there's a lot of chatter expecting XPR to regain some status (and more importantly, some value again). It would definitely be a nice reward for long-time HODLers who kept their faith in XRP, and the current price point offers a very nice entry for new players and interests before things take off again, if they do. 

I'll be the first to say there are no promises, only conjecture in any discussion of XRP right now. But if the Robinhood listing does manifest for real, I'll be paying attention with my own account, that's for sure. 


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A professional freelance writer for the last 20 years and a budding photographer by hobby.

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