Send Me Your ETH

Apparently, lots of folks feel very inclined to send their ETH to whoever posts an address online, without even knowing who the person is or getting anything in return. This oddball story first saw the light of day on Decrypt and most of the senders are regular crypto users. Go figure.

Not being one to pass up an interesting trend, if you really feel so inclined, you can send me ETH at this address:


Additionally, I’m not picky. I’ll take Bitcoin here:


And Litecoin:


And we can’t forget Banano:


I suspect I won’t get a penny, but who knows. Weirder things have happened in crypto.




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A professional freelance writer for the last 20 years and a budding photographer by hobby.

The Intersect of Crypto Musings & Consumer Impacts
The Intersect of Crypto Musings & Consumer Impacts

A blog focused on ongoing government regulation for crypto or consumer issues with crypto with wide range of topics from pitfalls to avoid to opportunities to grab.

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