A background of banana and the article title.

Banano (BAN) Faucets Updated

If some of my followers recall, I did a primer on Banano (BAN) and where to get it (or more aptly, how). In that article, I did a listing of faucets and basic sources for free Banano to get started. Since then, I occasionally go back and validate things to make sure the resource is still working and worth bothering worth. Fortunately, I found a more comprehensive list which added to my collection of known Banano faucets. I've tested each one and confirmed their function and, more importantly, that they do indeed put Banano in your wallet.

So here's the updated list for reference. Copy and save if Banano is your thing!


Again, as I mentioned in the previous article, not all of these are perfect for perpetuity. It's been my experience faucets come and go. So, don't be surprised if some are down, changed or come back again. Just try them and figure out what works for you.

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A professional freelance writer for the last 20 years and a budding photographer by hobby.

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