End of the season Glint spending and basic math - statistics and probablities


New reward cards to buy, and finishing in Champion II on the last minute, with a rating of 4000, I got a total of 193K of Glint.

So, where do I start? First, I noticed that the new cards cost 150% more Glint than the previous ones, another hit for the small accounts, making it much harder to advance to higher leagues. I will get a few cards from every pile, starting with 100 Common, for 15K. I got only 3 Gold cards, making it for 3% drop. All but one card are level 2 now.


And the Gold cards:


Now for rare, I will get 20, for 15K:


No Gold, all except the Dark Arborist card dropped. Next, thinking to get some chests. 10 Ultimate chests for 45K. So expensive, I can feel I will get next to nothing out of it. Predicted wrong. 2 Legendary, 3 Rare, 39 Common, 3 Energy, 2000 Merits and some 28 potions. 70K just worth of Legendary cards, this was profitable.


Now 20 Major chests for 20K. 15 Rare cards, 22 Common, 2500 Merits. Another 6000 merits for 9.5K Glint too. Around 16K Glint worth of stuff.



Coming now, 100 Minor chests. I got 1 Epic, 4 Rare, 26 Common, 5 Energy and loads of small amounts of Merits and potions. 30K stuff for 20K Glint. Tempted to get another 10 Ultimate chests. What did I got?


So, 5 Gold Common, 9 Regular, 4 Rare cards, 8 Energy, 3K Merits, and potions, total worth of 40K with 45K paid. Another 100 Common cards, with 5 Gold cards dropped this time. All Common cards are now level 3, with few of them even level 4. Not bad.


Another 60 Common and then the Gladiators, with enough Merits for 9 packs.



One Common Gold, 3 Epic, 7 Rare and the rest of it Common. One Quora though! And with this, my journey ended for now, see you at the end of the next season.

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