Price analysis 1, June Bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, XRP and BCH

By haidernasir | Crypto Geek | 1 Jun 2021

Bitcoin, Ethereum, litecoin, XRP and BCH is on a uptrend. Here a price analysis of five cryptocurrencies. 


Bitcoin is at $37,000.06 at 10:14 AM GMT, with a gain of 7.15% in the past 24 hours. Bitcoin with its 24 hours high will set its resistance level at $37,908.96 and 24 hours low with a support level at $34,399.08.

Here a price chart of Bitcoin in the past 24 hours:



Ethereum is at $2,666.49 at 10:14 AM GMT, with a gain of 14.84% in the past 24 hours. Ethereum with its 24 hours high will set its resistance level at $2,741.04 and 24 hours with a support level at $2,319.02.

Here a price chart of Ethereum in the past 24 hours:



Litecoin is at $185.03 at 10:14 AM GMT, with a gain of 11.08% in the past 24 hours. Litecoin with its 24 hours high will set its resistance level at $193.16 and 24 hours low with a support level at $164.71.

Here a price chart of Litecoin in the past 24 hours:



XRP is at $1.07 at 10:14 AM GMT, with a gain of 18.32% in the past 24 hours. XRP with its 24 hours high will set its resistance level at $1.10 and 24 hours low with a support level at $0.896965.

Here a price chart of XRP in the past 24 hours:



BCH is at $702.99 at 10:14 AM GMT, with a gain of 8.65% in the past 24 hours. BCH with its 24 hours high will set its resistance level at $721.07 and 24 hours low with a support level at $643.27.

Here a price chart of BCH in the past 24 hours:






Disclaimer: Article is only informative based, not an education on where to invest. If you are considering to invest do your own research.


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