Earn free 250 CHSB with Swissborg BTC prediction app

By Lebonsamaritain | Crypto France | 13 Feb 2021


Hello dears !

You've certainly heard about Swissborg exchange and his coin : CHSB

This token is going to pump very high soon (already 0,8$), the community is getting bigger and bigger and the exchange is growing very fast.

They made a game with an app that you can find here : Swissborg BTC forecast app

You can use my code : P26ZONA to earn free 3000 points :)

Complete the tasks in the game to earn 350 CHSB, then get a maximum number of point to be qualified to get more prizes !

Heres are some pictures of the app and how it works, but the rules are easy : Do a forecast of BTC price in 24H

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