
How to Use DeBank as an Important Tool For Your Crypto Investment

By Mory J. | Crypto For Dummies 2.0 | 20 Sep 2023 is an overall DeFi portfolio tracking wallet with the most trusted source of numerous EVM-compatible blockchains including Ethereum, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, and much more. The data dashboard is very friendly and easy to use. The homepage shows you your crypto holdings in your wallet but also displays your holdings across different Defi applications such as Decentralized Exchanges, Lending platforms, or simple staking protocols.

But you can use DeBank other than just tracking your portfolio. 

Use DeBank social media feature to stay informed

DeBank has a feature called Stream, which is a Twitter lookalike where investors share ideas. The good thing here is that most conservation are investment-related topics, so your feed won't be flooded by unrelated posts taking away your attention. It's interesting that you can see users' Debank profiles and see their network and want tokens they are holding.

Imagine all the fake crypto investors on Twitter hyping their wallet worth and shilling some tokens. Most of these claims they make are unverifiable. And because no one can really prove them wrong, it's easier for them to fool you.

On DeBank, user's profiles can tell you more about their credibility. 

DeBank's Stream Feature

Use DeBank to track where the smart money is going

DeBank is used by some of the top crypto investors in the space. So it's easy for anyone to track holdings from crypto whales and institution investors.

You can check Whales' portfolio at a glance and see the tokens or NFTs they are holding and the Decentralized Applications (dAPP) they are using. I also like to learn more about any tokens or dApp I find interesting in their portfolio. 

It's also easier to see their recent transactions which helps me monitor any wallet I'm interested in. Below is an overview of the a16z portfolio and where they have been diversifying it. Notice that more of their net worth is in Decentralized Applications. 

a16z portfolio

Use Debank to learn about a suspicious wallet

When you scan a token address on the Blockchain Explorer, you may sometimes wonder how the top wallet got its holdings or even learn more about the wallet itself. Just copy the address and search it in DeBank. You may discover some suspicious activity under the transactions tab or that the wallet received the tokens rather than buying them. There is nothing wrong with that, but you might know how some token creators prefer sending tokens to various wallets that they are also in control of. You can track wallet activities in the Blockchain Explorer but I feel like it's friendlier and easier on Debank. 








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Mory J.
Mory J.

Web Designer | Crypto Enthusiast | Blogger | Entrepreneur

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