russian missile attack on Dnipro: at least 21 people killed, 35 people are still missing

By Cryptotexty | Different topics | 15 Jan 2023

russian bastards continue the missile attacks on Ukraine, destroying the infrastructure and killing civillians. In the destruction of infrastructure, they are not so successful, that's why probably as the news says Surovikin was replaced by Gerasimov, as Commander-in-Chief of the Russian occupation forces.

But unfortunately with such big missile attacks, it's impossible to avoid the death of civilian, peaceful people. And in this case, each and every death is a tragedy. You might not feel it - for people who just read the news, it might look as almost the same... but how many deaths, injuries and tragedies were caused by "russian world" which aims to enslave free neighboring country..


The photo and video footage of the destroyed building in Dnipro shocked the whole world - I saw many publications on social media and I've personally been to Dnipro many times and plan to go there again...

That's why I'm adding some more photos (from the telegram group of - the head of Dnipropetrovsk oblast @ dnipropetrovskaODA). In order to stop russians from killing civilians, they need to collapse: militarily and economically, they need to suffer too just to understand how much pain theybrought to Ukraine.



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