Hodl with Youhodler - free BTC mining

By Kyzerd | Crypto et al | 29 Jan 2023

Hello...so let's talk a bit about Youhodler:

They now offer free BTC "mining"(it's a simulation but you still get real BTC ) what do you have to do? Not much just sign up...you can increase your BTC reward by using their products (multihodl) but you don't have to.

How is youhodler making money? Through you...yes they don't hide that their products costs money and they take their share, fair enough.

But if you stick to their earn option you do not have to use the other products (however dual is quite fun and profitable). Earning: you need to deposit at least 100$ worth of crypto to enjoy earning. Withdrawals do require a few but is not static, as far as I noticed.

Their support team is very helpful and responsive. Also they offer some nice promotions and fun contests (bitcoin burger day and more, mostly via twitter)

Also, and here it comes, when you sign up and use the code 95N9U92U (tick referral code/promotion code on sign up) and you deposit 100$ worth of crypto we both get 5$ in USD (it's not much but hey)


And yes, please do your own research 🧐

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