I have to admit that I had been feeling some FOMO over the last few months after seeing some of my various crypto friends post about getting their Lens profiles. I hadn't been paying attention to Lens Protocol until it was seemingly too late. However, my interest was piqued recently when one of my buds over on Torum mentioned that he had a Phaver profile (and therefore an invite code to Phaver) and that there was speculation on another potential Lens profile airdrop that Phaver members may be able to get whitelisted for in the near future.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. It's your responsibility to do extensive research and consult a professional before investing. Also, this post contains some affiliate links which may give a small payout to the author and/or a bonus to new users who may choose to use apps or services mentioned. Please consider using these links to help support this blog series!
If you're not familiar with Lens, it's a user-owned decentralized protocol designed specifically with web3 social media in mind. Users who are able to mint one of these now-coveted Lens profiles are essentially creating an NFT of their social media profile, which can be used to own, control, and monetize their content across the plethora of social media apps being built on Lens. Lens Protocol profiles are currently selling on Open Sea for upwards of $220 USD, so they're quite a hot commodity at the moment.
In any case, let's get back to the theory about Phaver and a potential Lens Protocol profile airdrop. My Torum buddy linked us to a potential airdrop guide for Lens over on BoxMining, and sure enough, utilizing Phaver seems to be the rallying post for hope for the next batch of whitelisted addresses. Diving in, this seems to be confirmed by a recent Tweet from Phaver:
If that wasn't enough confirmation, I listened in to the latest Phaver AMA on Discord this past week, and quite a bit of the discussion was on Phaver's focus to encourage Lens to include qualified Phaver users into the next Lens profile whitelist. So, if you're like me and want to try to snag a Lens Protocol profile airdrop, here's what I've done so far to attempt to make the cut:
Sign Up and Use Phaver
If you're not already a Phaver user, joining is easy: download Phaver to your phone, and sign up for a new account using my handle "Valdyr" as the referral code. Follow the simple steps to sign up, and you're good to go!
If you're an active social media user, you'll find Phaver easy to navigate. You can post content either solely on your profile, or add it to a related topic to make it easier to find for other users. You also get five tokens per day to 'stake' on your favorite posts from other users. You'll get rewarded in points based on how popular the staked post becomes and how early you were in regards to staking - so picking quality posts early is the way to go. Your points currently can be used to apply for the "Frens" status once you reach 1000 Phaver points. (The Frens status is also one of the current ways to qualify for Level 2 on Phaver.)
Apply for a Clique Soulbound Token (SBT) for Phaver
As you see mentioned in the above tweet, priority for a potential Lens whitelist will be given to Phaver users with a Clique SBT in their wallets attached to their Phaver profiles. Submit your entry to earn one of these Soulbound Tokens - you'll need to connect your Twitter and Discord profiles. It sounds like new SBT's are issued once a week. I was honestly shocked that I received one within a week of applying, personally - but I do have a pretty extensive social media history on both platforms.
Connect Your Wallet With Your SBT to Level Up
Once you get your SBT (or other qualifying NFTs to elevate your Phaver profile to Level 2) you can connect your wallet to your Phaver profile to gain that Level 2 access. To do so, go to connect.phaver.com and sign into your account and link your wallet. (This step worked better for me on a PC than it did on my phone.) Once your profile recognizes your qualifying SBT or other NFT, you'll automatically be at Level 2 on Phaver!
Interact With Phaver Collaborations
Recently Phaver did a collaboration with Kleoverse for an OAT on Galxe. Part of the requirements included grabbing the Twitter SBT from Kleoverse - which in turn was also needed for the Kleoverse/Altverse OAT currently on Galxe. I don't have any specific information that this might help with an airdrop other than my own speculation based on other airdrop requirements. I'm planning on keeping an eye on other apps that Phaver is working with specifically, along with other Lens apps in general, to see if that might help increase my chances down the road.
I would also be remiss if I didn't mention that in addition to hoping for a Lens Protocol profile airdrop, I'm actually really enjoying the Phaver app! It's well built and I've found a lot of my online crypto buds from here and other platforms on Phaver already. If you're on Phaver, give me an add or drop me a note in the comments so I can follow you.
So will you be giving Phaver a shot if you haven't already? Are there other apps you're interacting with in hope of getting a Lens profile? Let me know your thoughts - referral links to other apps on Lens are definitely welcome!
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Torum: @Valdyr | Publish0x: @Valdyr | Article: @Valdyr | Phaver: @Valdyr | Bulb: @Valdyr
Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out www.laurahofford.com/blog/