Whales are changing attitude in the Crypto world

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 25 Dec 2023

     The whales of the crypto world always play major part, and their part is changing the crypto craze.

Altcoins rising over Bitcoin

     The whales of the crypto world are now becoming altcoin whales instead of bitcoin whales due to use of altcoins in increasing quantities. While other cryptocurrencies are being hoarded and exchanged more frequently in place of the primary altcoins, such as LTC, BCH, etc., the market value of the majority of altcoins is rising as a result.

ETH 2.0 is not a greater traction in PoS

     Collectors are aware that PoS tokens can be staked for passive income, which has increased demand for PoS tokens as users expect higher returns on their investments. Nonetheless, other PoS are more popular than Ethereum 2.0,  due to users' desire to enjoy their passive income without having to deal with high gas fees.

The move is good

     Whales most likely own both Bitcoin and Ethereum, but they do not wish to spend their Bitcoin from HODL or waste Ether on gas. That explains the rise in popularity of other altcoins. Whales are gathering and trading a variety of cryptocurrencies, which aids in the establishment of any serious project and helps the crypto industry grow.

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