Vitalik sells several million dollars worth of shitcoins for Ethereum

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 14 Oct 2024

     Not for the first time, and this is a regular thing, Vitalik keeps dumping shit for ETH.


Shitcoin for Ethereum

     Vitalik Buterin again exchanged some shitcoins for Ethereum. This time, he tossed $POPCAT, $ITO, $ETH6900, $SATO, $Milo, and $MSTR.

Source: Lookonchain

(Don't be startled by MSTR; MSTR2100 is a shitcoin and not a Bitcoin reserve-based microstrategy share.)




Free for Vitalik

     All of those shitcoins had been given to Vitalik for free, and many are amazed that he is earning millions of dollars daily in this manner. But Vitalik is simply a really lucky person who lives to appreciate life. He loves his life and donates to charity.




Vitalik Hope for Shitcoin Developers

     My research done on shitcoin developers sending shits to Vitalik Buterin claims that some shitcoin creators may send him in the hopes that Vitalik will HODL a particular percentage of their supply and make it worthwhile, while others may send him in the hopes that Vitalik will trade the supply slowly and keep their token active in the market.



Originally published at Grill, and on Wubits as thread

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