
SEC vs Kardashian Schiff vs Sylor Security vs Commodity

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 4 Oct 2022

     The SEC has put a panelty of $1.26 million on Hollywood celebrity Kim Kardashian for concealing a $250k crypto token hype.

     $1.26 million is a very small amount for Kardashian, whose net worth is $1.8 billion, so Kardashian could either simply walk away by paying, or fight a legal battle with the SEC by not accepting cryptocurrencies as securities. In this case, either the SEC will get the money or the lawyer will.

     People supported neither Kim, nor the SEC, but for a number of reasons, or almost without reason, the best one is Peter vs. Sylor.

     Peter wants the SEC to also slam Michael Silor for promoting bitcoin, but Sylor claims that bitcoin is a commodity, so it does not belong to the SEC. Yet the crypto world is not accepting BTC or other crypto as a security or commodity.


     Some wants Cryptocurrency to be treated as Security,, some wants it to be treated as commodity, some wants Cryptocurrency to be considered as real currency. Diffrent countries have diffrent thinking.

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