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Narrative CZ of Binance

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 7 Dec 2022

     Binance CEO CZ has come across a lot of narratives that he is not accepting; people have different opinions on it. Some people are following the narratives, some are following the CZ, and some are having fun. There are the best ones.

Taunt The "Beauty"

     When CZ talked about "saviour" points, this person caught the taunt of Binance (Binance is a centralised exchange).

SBF FTX Blame 

     CZ is mainly blamed for the FTX debacle, and he keeps defending himself. Here this person got a taste for him. (FTT is still traded on Binance.)

SBF Intention Claim

     CZ has also targeted SBF's defense. And this person has described CZ's effort as futile.

Tweet To Caroline Matters

     CZ's tweet to Alameda Research CEO Caroline Elliott is also blamed, and this person is making it a ghost.

SBF's Personal Target 

     CZ's assistance with SBF is always reminded, and this guy choose the right post to rewind .

Careless Friendly Rivals in Competition

     CZ supports multiple in the industry for co-existence, but don't cares his competitors, and this guy nailed his careless carefullness towards former competitor.

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