Binance BEL

Binance Pool launches BEL in merged mining

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 2 Oct 2024

What? You don't know what BEL is?

That's Ok, let me take you to the time of Memecoin.


Mine BEL in Binance

     Binance Pool has launched ancient Bellscoin (BEL) in merged mining. You will mine Litecoin and earn DOGE with BEL.



The long-lost brother of DOGE

     Bellscoin is a Scrypt coin inspired by a Nintendo game. It was created by Billy Markus in November 2013.

Markus created another memecoin on December 6, 2013 (8 days later), which was named Dogecoin.

However, it was Dogecoin that became famous due to Elon Musk's support, while Bellscoin remained unnoticed.


Binance's Efforts for Bellscoin

     Right now, only some small exchange platforms have listed BEL for trading. Binance has only listed it in Pool, not in trading.

BEL in mining service also gives no guarantee that it will be listed with any pair for trading, but it provides a chance for BEL to get a name.

This might help BEL to get listed by some big guns.


Originally published at Grill, and on Wubits as thread

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