
Anatoly Yakovenko defends memecoins

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 7 Dec 2024

Yakovenko bats for Meme

     Solana founder Anatoly Yakovenko has also waded into the controversy over memecoin, calling memecoin necessary to solve network problems.


The Meme is Hit

     Ever since CZ raised questions on memecoins, its market has come under pressure, and DeFi tokens are taking advantage, while centralised platforms, especially Solana, and individuals who launch memecoins are hit. Now we just have to wait for what the support of Anatoly Yakovenko will get the memecoins.




A Solana Problem

     Although I don't know if memecoin has provided any technical help to Solana, I remember that due to the SBF case, Solana's value crashed to below $10. Solana then saved itself from losing its market by launching the BONK token, which kickstarted the memecoin fashion. No wonder Yakovenko will defend what helped his platform.




Originally published at Grill, and on Wubits as thread



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