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All About Binance

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 2 Dec 2022


King Emperor CZ of the Binance Empire. 

     Changpeng Zhao (CZ) recently met with Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili as part of his series of meetings with heads of government. CZ even fully acquired Japan-based, regulated exchange Sakura. In fact, Binance itself has become an empire. Let's see the long arm of Binance.


     The largest market analysis was acquired by Binance from CMC founder Brandon Chez on April 2nd 2020 for $400 million.


     The most used decentralised hot wallet was acquired by Binance from  Viktor Radchenko on July 31st 2018 for undisclosed amount.

Binance Academy

     Launched in 2018, largest free and local blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFT, WEB3 etc educational program that is promoting in Learn and Earn ways in various countries.

Binance Smartchain

     The BNB chain is Binance's Blockchain, but decentralised, it is the biggest DeFi protocol since the collapse of Terra Luna. 

NFT Markets

     Binance's NFT market (June 2021) is the largest NFT marketplace after OpeanSea. Recently, Binance has also expanded its market there by signing an agreement with OpeanSea.

BSC News 

     Binance even have its own news platform in 2020, which promotes Binance among all others.

Largest Bitcoin Reserve

     Binance has recently overtaken Coinbase in the field of Bitcoin reserve.

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