Publish0x - the ONLY free crypto earner worth your time

By Keyboardwarrior | Crypto Bulletin | 7 Sep 2021

This article is aimed towards those that don't know what Publish0x is and for those of you who already know, this can be seen as a Publish0x appreciation post. I've used this resource for long and I intend to keep doing so for as long as they don't change the extremely beneficial profit model.

What is Publish0x?


Publish0x is a website that lets you get paid in crypto for writing articles. They can be centered on anything but most of them are centered about crypto. The payment you recieve is from tips readers give you. Here is the beautiful part that sets Publish0x apart from all the competition:

They pay for the tips. All of it. Yup, its really that good.

Even beyond this, readers get to select keep up to 80% of the free tip you where offered to by the site.

Confused yet? 

Let me break it down for you: Publish0x allows you as a reader to tip writers with crypto the site itself provided, but when you do you can chose to donate 20% to the article writer and 80% to yourself. Its so beneficial I have trouble understanding how the site can still be profitable for the owners.


My guess is that cryptos that want to spread awareness of their own cryptocurrency provide it at a discounted rate to the sites owner so they can ensure many people start using the crypto and understand how it works. 

The two current cryptocurrencies they offer are Harvest finance ($FARM) and Ampleforth (AMPL).


$FARM is a DeFi token used for automated Yield Farming. Ampleforth is a stablecoin that changes its supply to adjust according to its price rather than adjusting its price according to the supply. Both of them are quite unique tokens that I probably never would have discovered otherwise.

Previously, the site even used to offer Ethereum, but understandably they stopped doing so partially due to increasing gas prices and partially due to the rampant price hike of ethereum.

Regardless, I've never seen a site that offers free crypto in such a beneficial payment model. Let me bring up some "competitors" in that regard: - A site that functions similarly in the regard that you get paid to write articles. But instead of providing the money itself, the creators of the site want you to buy Bitcoin cash and tip writers. They themselves will remain anonymous and take 10% out of every transaction for doing exactly nothing. 

Rollercoin - I hate this site. Its marketed absolutely everywhere. You play boring retro games for hours every day for months and they might pay you a little BTC or something. Avoid it like the plague unless you don't value your time.

Faucets - These pay very little and are basically a chairity that some third party is making money from through ad-revenue. Return every day for months and you might find out if they pay you or not.

Survey sites, Pay-To-Click etc - These are plentifull and the worst thing that ever came into existance. First of all they are riddled with hundreds of trojans and viruses so you are almost guaranteed to be affected for the Pay-To-Click-things. The surveys are always third party providers that in 90% of the cases won't register on the site (doesnt matter the site, its always the same thing), that is of course unless the survey that you just spent 25 minutes filling in doesnt suddenly freeze or throw you out because you all of a sudden turned out to be the wrong demographic. So while you could technically earn a substantial amount using these sites they hardly ever work and its painstakingly boring. Avoid them at all cost.

Honeygain- This site pays you to use up your bandwith. Use the affilliate link if thats your thing. Im giving it a chance but not holding my breath. It seems to take a lot of time to do so however, but doesnt seem to have a GPU miner in the background as I read some people had suspected.

Presearch - Noble attempt at trying to reward your searches on a search engine by giving out free crypto, but it takes way too long to pay out, plus its not even close to be able to beat the big G in terms of UX nor search quality. 

Brave browser - A browser that gives out BAT - Basic Attention Token for allowing commercials in your commercial free browser. Started off well but you are never able to pay out the money since the browser holds it hostage untill you reach 15 BAT. Nice idea but they seem so far have failed to evolve.


If you are new to publish0x and made it this far into the article - welcome and I hope you stay for long. If you're an old reader/writer on publish0x I hope I got you to nod in recognition 


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20% to author / 80% to me.
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