Protecting and Simplifying

Kryptokrona(XKR) - Protecting and Simplifying for the Benefit of Privacy and Decentralization.

By Eddyc | Crypto Bits | 30 Nov 2022



Greetings Friends;


In this article I will write about kryptokrona a Nordic project, created to protect and simplify involvement in the world of crypto. Therefore, being a P2P reference is not a simple task, but we can understand that the project is committed and has a solid technical base and development time to meet the needs involved in sending and receiving. Another starting point is that the kryptokrona project seeks to bring other proposals that is once again to become a reference in the development of secure systems and a reference of privacy in propitious economic tools for the growth of decentralization. When analyzing the number of existing projects on the market, we see that few are concerned with privacy, a forgotten topic that will soon or in the future be crucial for the good of any accumulation or reserve of value for a company or personal use. In definition, bringing a technological vision and guarantee with Nordic excellence is the key that moves developers to transcend current problems and bring something that really makes sense in practical and daily use.

There is a need for innovation and kryptokrona carries that energy by bringing benefits with its private wallet and simple in its utility.


What is Kryptokrona?


Kryptokrona(XKR) is a project that has its own and fast blockchain, focused on privacy, without premine and without ICO, that is, it's totally decentralized, started and developed to meet the needs of the Nordic region and be a reference in the physical and digital world. The project's vision is to propose technological advances directly influencing a safe, private, stable, and scalable ecosystem. According to the introduction, the project was born to simplify and protect funds of personal interest, business or any relative need that requires accumulating, sending or receiving allowing fast and low cost privacy in your transactions. Therefore, the Kryptokrona project provides private transactions, hidden wallet balances and lightness, providing users with all the necessary privacy that avoids tracking. Its base comes from the cryptonote protocol, which was the basis of the Monero project where it was implemented by Bytecoin, the first project that brought this proposal.


Energy Benefit...


The CryptoNight algorithm is excellent because it's the necessary engine in PoW mining development where it transcends the sha256 limitation that prevented some expansions in its block. Maybe this of sha256 problem can be solved but unfortunately this is the big problem that requires huge amounts of energy to mine. Leaving technical reflections aside and focusing on the application, we can understand that the kryptokrona(XKR) project provides contributions to validate and secure transactions on its blockchain where anyone can receive mining rewards, run a node, connect to the pool knowing there is security to validate blocks.


Expanding through Hugin Messenger


Hugin is a by-product of the kryptokrona project i.e. it's a decentralized messaging service where executions are stored on the kryptokrona blockchain. This offshoot is ungovernable and cannot be dropped or censored where its messages will be protected with state-of-the-art encryption with all available privacy for sending and receiving messages. The basis of Hugin is not to store any personal information about users, because it contradicts the essence of the kryptokrona project which is decentralization. The proposal is to become the new standard for private communication efficiently encrypted, decentralized and with the open source available to understand, branch or for anyone interested in contributing. With the application, you can communicate with messages, voice and video, share files unlimitedly without using any server that can intermediate and process your data.

Kryptokrona Specifications:


Name: Kryptokrona

Symbol: XKR

Algo: CryptoNight Turtle(GPU) PoW(Proof of Work)

Total Coin Supply:  1,000,000,000(No premine or ICO)











In summary, the kryptokrona project provides high transaction speed, privacy, lightweight and intuitive wallet. Having an open source project makes it available for public review, branches and contributions for the benefit of all. Regarding the fees, the cost is low and there is no charge for sending messages on the Hugin app. Finally, the project provides the necessary resources to reserve values privately and with all the necessary transparency. It's worth mentioning that the article is only introductory and motivational and if you are looking for technical information, I recommend that you access the access links and make the community to learn more.

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Eddyc Verified Member

Passionate about Blockchain from the past, present and future. I write with my Heart... Note* I write about projects that can do something for society. Now this doesn't depend on me, but on the project team. I'm just a writer... DYOR

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