Rising Star New Cards and Spending 500K Starbits on 60 Packs

By logen9f | Crypto and play2earn | 1 Nov 2024

Hello Rising Star Musicians! Recently, new cards were released. These cards have cool designs and I wanted to try my luck although I know the odds of getting a legendary is very low. I have some Starbits I bought from hive-engine and some from selling cards I don't need.

Previous Stats

Fans - 15,940
Luck - 1,380
Skill - 41,239
IM - 292
Cards - 251
Ego - 40,017

Music of the Day

Since this is a music themed game, let's listen to some music while opening packs.



Buying Packs

I have some Starbits I bought from hive-engine and some from selling cards I don't need. I spent 100k for 12 packs five times for a total of 500k Starbits on 60 packs.

After buying 60 packs, I'm still unlucky and didn't get any legendary, even the old ones. It was fun opening that many though 😅

As usual I put the instruments I don't need in the market. I hope they will be sold so I can buy more packs next time.

Current Stats

Fans - 19,900
Luck - 1,966
Skill - 44,250
IM - 292
Cards - 379
Ego - 44,091

A big Ego

My ego now is dangerously close to my skill. I would have to do a lot of lessons but there's a Starpro fee now for doing lessons? Although the fee is low for now, I wonder if this will increase.

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