Moon Karts Arcade Colony Tokens

By logen9f | Crypto and play2earn | 19 Jan 2025


Moon Karts

Moon Karts is a Web3 play-to-earn kart racing game developed by Arcade Colony using the Unity Engine. It's a fast-paced game and players have the option to play single-player or multiplayer modes. Similar to Mario and other racing games, Moon Karts can be equipped with various power-ups to enhance gameplay. The game incorporates a play-to-earn model with several ways to earn.

Arcade Colony

Arcade Colony is a platform developed by Invennium, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Splinterlands which also operates Genesis League Sports soccer game. Arcade Colony is a web-based platform where mainstream games can deploy web3 features. This means that existing web2 games can be ported to web3 and utilize web3 features such as tokenization, play2earn, renting NFTs among others. Moon Karts is the first game to be released by Arcade Colony.

Arcade Colony Tokens

I'm guessing that as more games get ported, they will share the same tokens issued by Arcade Colony. It will create an eco-system within the games ported to it. There are currently two tokens: Colony and Script.


Colony tokens will serve as the staking, reward, and governance token within the Arcade Colony Governance (ACG) ecosystem. This can be compared to SPS in Splinterlands. This is the token that can be earned in-game. Like SPS, Colony tokens can be staked in-game.


Script token will be pegged to product in Arcade Colony and be acquired by burning COLONY tokens for a set amount of SCRIPT tokens based on market conditions. 1 SCRIPT token will be accepted as $1 of product in the Arcade Colony ecosystem. This is similar to DEC in Splinterlands that's also pegged to $1 of packs. The relationship between Colony and Script is also similar to SPS and DEC that SPS can be burned to acquire DEC. Similar to DEC, Script tokens can be used to buy, rent assets within the game.

Liquidity Pools

There are several liquidity pools for Colony and Script that offer generous APR.





Final Thoughts

I like Arcade Colony's aim to port existing games to web3. There are a lot of games I enjoyed playing before that I wish have play2earn features. Also, it has a solid team behind it having successful experience in Splinterlands. I'd like to see more games like adventure and rpg ported to web3.

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