Arcade Colony Moon Karts

By logen9f | Crypto and play2earn | 10 Jan 2025


Hello Everyone! Mario Kart was a popular game back in the day. I have to admit that I'm not that good at racing games since my favorites are adventure and rpg. On the other hand, a web3 play2earn version of the game came out some time ago--Moon Karts by Arcade Colony.

What is Moon Karts

Moon Karts is a Web3 play-to-earn kart racing game developed by Arcade Colony using the Unity Engine. It's a fast-paced game and players have the option to play single-player or multiplayer modes. Similar to Mario and other racing games, Moon Karts can be equipped with various power-ups to enhance gameplay. The game incorporates a play-to-earn model with several ways to earn.

How Can Players Earn Colony Tokens

Picking Colony Tokens

Players can pick up Colony tokens from the track and must finish the race with these tokens in their inventory to earn them. Losing the tokens before finishing or failing to win the race results in losing any earnings.


Skill-Based Rankings

Players receive a ranking based on the skills. Daily and seasonal leaderboards reward players with Colony tokens proportional to their performance. The better they play, the higher the ranking and more earnings.

Collecting Orbitals

Players can also collect Orbitals on the race track. This will contribute to separate point system when players finish races with Orbitals. It has its own point system and leaderboards. Colony tokens will be earned based on the player's position in the leaderboard. There is a bonus on the number of Orbitals that can be earned based on NFTS. These are the player's kart, driver, and parts used. The better the NFT, the more rewards earned.



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