Huobi Pool Token - Easily receive rewards in 14 different cryptos

By Jakonfire | Crypto and more | 28 Apr 2020

Huobi Pool Token - Easily receive rewards in 14 different cryptos

Today I want to introduce you to the Huobi Pool Token (HPT), which I recently discovered myself. I am always looking for ways to stake my coins which is why I became aware of the Huobi Pool where you can not only mine various coins with POW like BTC / BCH or LTC, but also have the possibility to stake different coins and tokens like XTZ , EOS or LISK. As a reward, you always receive the Huobi Pool Token instead of the actual rewards of the respective currency. But what is the Huobi Pool Token and how much is it worth?

"Huobi Pool Token (HPT) is an ERC token and operates on the Ethereum platform. Huobi Pool Token has a current supply of 9,871,208,932,116 with 5,018,108,931,656 in circulation.
The last known price of Huobi Pool Token is $ 0.005551 USD and is up 2.08% over the last 24 hours. "

And what are the advantages of holding the Huobi Pool Token you have received?

If you have ≥ 1,000 Huobi Pool Tokens, you will receive additional rewards daily based on the amount of Huobi Pool Tokens you just hold in Huobi Global.
These rewards are currently paid out in 14 different currencies, listed in descending order of approximate maximum amount (in BTC) you will receive:

1. EOS
2. TRX
5. CRO
6. BTM
7. NEW
8. CMT
10. LXT
11. QTUM
12. LOL
13. ONG
14. ARPA

It is of course also possible to simply buy the Huobi Pool Token to receive the rewards. You can buy HPT on the following stock exchanges:

Huobi Global, Korea and Russia
or on HBTC.

In addition, there is also the possibility to co-decide with the tokens held about the future of the Huobi Pool by voting on the pool side.

Huobi has already announced that he will add more assets to the pool in the coming months and years and hope to add more coins as rewards for holding the pool tokens, which will also increase the dividends. If you take this into account, a rising token price is not unlikely.

What personally convinces me is that the rewards in EOS alone are almost as high as for proxy staking twice the amount USD in EOS.

Anyway. Feel free to comment your opinion or of course ask questions.
This is not financial advice. Please do your own research.


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