Voluntary work: an ongoing choise!

By Valem1990 | CRI (Italian Red Cross) | 15 Apr 2021

“Everyone can, in one way or another, each in their sphere and according to their strength, contribute to some extent to this good work.”

(Henry Dunant, founder of Red Cross and Red Crescent)


These words have probably changed my teenage view.

I was 13/14 years old, full of life, energy to sell.

Obviously living with my parents, in a really small village not enough close to the main cities. Nothing to criticize to my contemporaries who spent their time leant along the walls of local public park but I was annoyed, I felt I was literally wasting my time!

Try to guess? I searched something better to do, and there were no available options. Nothing of nothing!

After 15 a real turning point, finally I had the possibility to move from a little country to another one with a scooter. Just at fifteen minutes driving there was a little local committee of the Italian red cross. Volunteering was one of my options, probably not the best one but much better then roost without no aim.

I was young, I could not serve in dangerous activities, not get into an ambulance or handle money. All people around me were older, so busy in their staff. The only way I could help them was to be their secretary, answer to the phone, protocol their emails. My parent were not so much happy or proud of me, but I continued and they didn't really inisist to show their disappointment. 

One day, I was near 17, during my protocol activities I read something about a training course for all volunteer under a certain age. It was not easy to participate, but after that “education step” I could not believe to all thing I discovered I could do!

For more than ten years, I have been representing all young volunteers in my province and region too, promoting a lot of activities related for most part to the prevention field.

I went to schools speaking how to prevent sexual transmitted diseases, how to avoid road accidents, how to act in case of emergency, what to do or not in first aid situations, promoting the blood donation and so on. I have been organizing countless events all around the squares recruiting more people possible to strengthen the team.

Now, that I am not so young, and also changed city, I continue my volunteering activities doing for my new committee a totally different type of services, more competent with my personal skills.

I find it useful, not only for my contribute to a system which help so many people everyday in so many different ways since more than 150 years, but also for myself. I feel better, I feel useful, I am a little drop in a big ocean, I am part of something bigger I believe.

That’s my story, and my ongoing choice.


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I am Italian, working in the eCommerce field, interested in crypto world. My big passion is voluntary.

CRI (Italian Red Cross)
CRI (Italian Red Cross)

#volunteering #volontariato #passion #crocerossa #cri #italianredcross #ifrc

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