Beware: Coin Mixing Is Now a Crime!

By | Creating My Own Crypto | 14 Feb 2020


According to recent reports from the USA Department of Justice, coin mixing is now a crime.


Officials thursday released a statement by Justice Department Assistant Attorney General Brian Benczkowski, making the department’s views on bitcoin mixers clear.


“This indictment underscores that seeking to obscure virtual currency transactions in this way is a crime,” he said.





Coin Mixing Is Not a Crime!


This is why I stayed away from Crypto for so long in the first place. 


The risk is too high that your crypto could have been used in a previously shady or illegal transaction. 


AND how could you possibly even know you are holding 'tainted' crypto?


YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY KNOW... such is the point of the mixer...


AND as we all know, the government is not always good at deciding WHAT evidence is incriminatory and what is not... especially when it comes to technical matters...


So do you really trust them NOT to prosecute you for holding a mixed coin and simply give you a pass saying "nah hes a good guy, he wouldn't do anything wrong..." 


Or is it very possible that you could be the next innocent person dragged up on charges of "money laundering" and such bullshit?


Despite the huge budget, most government agencies will tend to over-exaggerate their science and facts in order to better serve their case.


At the very least, it scares the next would-be offender.  At the most,  it helps them put criminals in jail.   


So if the day ever comes that you unknowingly receive a cryptocurrency that WAS used in a mixer before...





Many bitcoin experts and developers are rightfully concerned this could establish a dangerous and illogical precedent where simply creating a bitcoin mixer is seen, in itself, as a money-laundering conspiracy. 


No word yet on crypto-currencies that have this type of technology already built-in to their software... some know them as Privacy Coins.


Could the government be planning to arrest and ban privacy coin creators/developers next?


This sets a dangerous precedent for all software developers where they can now be held accountable for the sins of the end-user who is using the software to commit crimes.


This is the same as calling anything that is 'obfuscated' or even 'encrypted' a crime.


Simply because you are doing something PRIVATE,  something the government cannot see,  you MUST be committing a crime.


You couldn't possible WANT OR NEED PRIVACY unless you were a criminal after all, right?


That's what the government has always tried to make us think.  They privacy is not needed unless you are a criminal.. That they can decide what IS a crime and what ISN'T... and who needs privacy and who doesn't... 


Effectively they are now prosecuting people for "SIMPLY HAVING THE ABILITY TO COMMIT A CRIME"... never mind the need to actually prove a crime committed.. they don't need that anymore.


As we all know, the governments of the world have repeatedly been proven to be the biggest criminal syndicates anywhere.   Just try speaking out against something the government is doing,  or heaven forbid,  be a whistleblower,  and see how fast your whole life can be "shut down" and unravelled by "the system".


Don't believe me? Maybe you should read up on Edward Snowden.   




This is what happens when we demand the government to recognize Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies as legitimate forms of money.... we are now 100% under their jurisdiction when it comes to creating, enforcing, and regulating laws regarding our new form of "money" - cryptocurrencies.





Combine our new form of government regulations,  with big banks and wallstreet,   and we have this type of situation we see currently:





Despite all the obvious hipocrisy in the room....  government and wall street have eagerly signed on to do their 'fair share' of crypto-currency regulation framework installation, scam crypto creation and mass market manipulation; in an effort to steal bitcoin from the less knowledgeable public.


As always, they attack the integrity of the very market they intend to take-over;  so they can try to swoop in as the "heroes".


Luckily, big banks are having a hard time adjusting to the unique market conditions....





However, we all know that the government is in their pockets. 


AND they think we are all too dumb to notice big banks and big business sneaking in through the back door.


But what is really at stake here?  Is it the future of crypto-currency? 


Yes...  but I believe it's also the future of property rights and individual freedom that is really at stake here.


The courts may decide in this case if the Fourth Amendment actually relates to bitcoin when it says Americans have the right to be “secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.”


Whether or not this includes a right to privacy, generally speaking, is a hotly debated issue among legal experts.


What is really at stake here is NOT the future of bitcoin... it's the future of freedom itself.


Bitcoin is just the latest frontier they are fighting this battle on.






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Crypto enthusiast, coding nerd, cat lover, and libertarian.

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