Cosmos News - midsommer edition

By Cosmonauta | Cosmonaut | 18 Jul 2022

We are not having greatest time in sense of price action but it's not the worst time, and during the bear market Cosmos is still building. what are the new key developments is happening or just happened? 

Interchain Security (ICS)

Without doubt, this is one of the most important update in the cosmos hub, expected to arrive next month, likely august/September 2022. ICS will change lots of things, and more commonly we can translate it to "missing feature" when it was compared to other interoperable chains (yes, i have meant Polkadot here).

Launching on the Cosmos Hub August/September 2022, Interchain Security will emerge as the premier method for projects to get the highest level of security in Cosmos by leveraging the entire 175+ Cosmos Hub validator set

So it will give head start to new projects on Cosmos hub and create big value to the hub. for example DYDX will rly on this feature as well. 


Interchain Accounts (ICA) and Neutron

Interchain Accounts is basically allowing blockchains to change data on another supported blockchain. 

This requires the blockchains to set up a mutual interchain account and be based on either Cosmos SDK or Tendermint, protocols used to replicate and launch blockchain applications.

In short, Cosmos is pushing IBC to the very next level, take a look here for detailed information about ICA (Juno just upgraded to support ICA, hey!)

With an Interchain-native product model, a user can complete the entire flow within a single, streamlined user experience where chains pass sets of instructions and execute transactions under the hood — all without the user ever having to leave the first interface

Very new project is landing, Neutron, Cosmos hub's very next best hype; which is bringing Interchain Accounts (ICA) to CosmWasm smart-contracts.

  • Create and control accounts (aka “wallets”) via IBC, instead of local private keys,
  • Write and transport transactions in a way that can be executed on the host chain. 
  • Host chains harbor the IC Accounts of other zones. They listen for IBC instructions and execute them.
  • Controller zones use Authorization Modules to create and manage Interchain Accounts on Host chains.

You can head over their twitter, or best check out this informative tweet that I have quoted over here.

Neutron at Cosmoshub

Some New Listings

Evmos will be listed on Huobi (July 19th), yay! Will it create some pump, price action... who knows but you can still stake your $EVMOS for sweet sweet APR (Pro tip: autocompound it for really crazy APYs, via restake or yieldmos)

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