WLFI Trump

Trump promotes WLFI token with exemption from SEC regulations

By Albertocrypto | Cripto tips | 17 Sep 2024

The crypto project World Liberty Financial (WLFI), promoted by former President Donald Trump and his children, has confirmed during a live broadcast on X Spaces the launch of its governance token. This token will not be transferable and will not provide economic rights, as buyers must be interested in participating in governance, not obtaining an economic return. 63% of the token will be sold to the public, while 17% will be reserved for user rewards and the remaining 20% ​​will go to the team.

According to the stream, the token will only be available to accredited investors under a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Regulation D exemption, which allows companies to raise capital without registering securities with the SEC.

WLFI and simplicity in its use One of the founders of the project, Zak Folkman, highlighted that the goal is to develop simple-to-use projects. “Our goal is to build easy and simple to use projects where you don't need to call a friend for a guide,” he commented during the broadcast. However, during the more than two and a half hour session, which attracted more than 100,000 listeners, a launch date for the token was not revealed.

Betting on Polymarket

A Polymarket contract asking if Trump would launch a token before the election reached over 80% in favor of the Yes option during the livestream, but fell to 22% at the end of the event. Different members of the Trump family, including Donald Trump Jr., shared their views on crypto. Donald Trump Jr. mentioned that he sees decentralized finance (DeFi) as a reflection of the ideals of the founding fathers of the United States, as they “restore equity to the financial system.” Likewise, he commented that several venture capitalists, such as David Sacks and Elon Musk, have begun to support crypto.

On the other hand, Eric Trump mentioned the need to make DeFi more accessible to the general public, pointing out the difficulties he faced when interacting with Aave, a decentralized lending platform.

Donald Trump's posture

Former President Donald Trump participated in the first 40 minutes of the broadcast, although he did not discuss the WLFI project specifically. Instead, he shared his opinions on public policies related to crypto. According to him, crypto is something that should be adopted, “whether we like it or not.” Throughout the broadcast, although there were bets on whether Trump would mention terms like Solana, Memecoin or Doge, the former president did not mention any of them. However, he said “Crypto” more than five times and “NFT” once.

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