Two great opportunities which you can generate capital for yourself, with almost zero financial investment.

Time = Money - I've two easily capital generation tips

By MrRefferator | Conscious Approach | 17 Dec 2023

TIME = MONEY - two well-functioning crypto options where you can generate capital with almost zero money investment


I want to arouse the interest of crypto beginners, which is exactly why I avoid complicated professional details in my writing❗

In business, we know for a fact that time = money. Here at the beginning, I would like to note that this is precisely why money does not represent too much value for me. For me, it's just a tool with which I generate time for myself 😉

Crypto income with almost zero money investment.

I promised two crypto opportunities, to achieve income generation, with almost zero money investment, so let's see ⬇️

📣 In a very simple way, I would like to share with you, my dear reader, a real story related to me personally!

It is characteristic of me that the world of travel fascinates me. I will only mention in a footnote that this may be why I also love the idealism of Travala

🤔 Why did the XYO project catch my eye, and what is it in brief❓

The simple slogan of the company behind XYO said it all for me:

„Your lifestyle is your reward.”

As I am always on the move and travel a lot, XYO was a great idea for me to get cryptocurrency. XYO itself, I was presented in detail in a previous publication, my article entitled 🔗 „XYO ➡️ your lifestyle is your reward.” In this referenced article, I pointed out that collecting an additional 100 million COINs for APY through the referral network is not an impossible task.

👏 But in this article, I just want to mention that with the help of XYO (🔗 COIN APP) you can collect enough capital in 2 years, without a subscription, with a simple NFC-based SentinelX card, which is perfect for implementing other ideas. This is where unMineable, the second recommender of my article, will come into play, but before that I would like to share with you a small hobby experience that is still XYO relevant. 👇

This is how I charge my cell phone on my bike!

In the picture 👆 above you can see the box of a KEMO M172N product. However, this is only an appearance, because I found such a box in a hobby electronics store and realized the internal circuit myself. Penny base, I got the ingredients in a hobby electronics store in ❤️ Budapest.

I won't bore anyone with the details, I'm just explaining my concept

💡 Creating an AC to DC circuit.

This is important, because as you can see in the picture marked with the number two, there is an original generator in the front wheel of my 🚲 bike. Generators, on the other hand, produce alternating current. Therefore, I definitely had to convert this alternating current to direct current, in order to be able to charge my mobile phone with a USB-C connection.

✔️ To make the circuit, I didn't really need anything other than:

  • 1 transformer,
  • 5 diodes 1N4001,
  • 4 capacitors,
  • including 2 electrolytes between 220-470 uF
  • and 2 ceramic disks with a value of 100 nF
  • and 1 voltage regulator type 7805 . This corresponds to +5VDC, it works wonders.

Since the power of the generator is capable of producing 3 Watts and 6 Volts, the formula is relatively simple: (3 Watts / 6 Volts) * 1000 = 500 mAh This, therefore, provides me with the same charging capacity as if I were to connect my smartphone to, say, a computer's USB port for charging.

The circuit I made did not deal with the switching option. An original M172N product has a switching option, which creates the possibility to switch between phone charging and lighting. I didn't need to use the generator for lighting, so I didn't even design a circuit to support it. So the USB/Light shown in the picture is just an appearance in my case 😊

XYO COIN consumes a lot, so what is my experience❓

The generator helps me a lot. I can use my mobile for crypto mining for 3x as long as without a generator. My phone's battery is 5500 mAH. This means that the 3-hour usage time increases to 9 hours, which is why I rarely plan a bike tour where I cycle for more than 9 hours in one go. I'm old, my bottom starts to hurt in 9 hours 😆

In relation to XYO, the essence of what I said is that the company's slogan was completely aimed at me. And since I ride a bike and travel around the world a lot, it was a perfect choice for me to get cryptocurrency directly.

Let's take the next step: I promised a higher volume of income!

The XYO mentioned 👆 above was perfect for me to collect so many COINs in 2 years, from which I was able to invest in a powerful computer, with the help of which I was able to use the unMineable option with very strong and intensive GPU support. Of course, in order to have a larger budget available, when XYO strengthened against FIAT currencies, for example, I always converted my XYO balances to stable coins. When the process was reversed, I converted the stable coins back to XYO

📣 And I managed to get the computer from a dealer whose contact and name I don't want to share for his company's security❗ But the bottom line is that I was able to buy a powerful computer from this company and ❤️ pay directly with cryptocurrency.

Brief summary of unMineable:

As the name suggests, with its help, you can also access cryptocurrencies directly, without buying in fiat currency, which otherwise could not be mined due to their basic nature.

✅ Examples include:

I would like to draw the attention of crypto-beginners that the Microsoft Windows operating system family likes to mark unMineable software or the XMrig solution as viruses. The most disgusting thing in the decadent Microsoft Windows world of Mr. Bill Gates is that he wants to think and of course act against the original will of the user. Therefore, it is not so easy to dissuade Microsoft Windows Defender Smartscreen from abuse, but it is not impossible either.

👏 By the way, the 🔗 unMineable software product, which can also be found on GitHUB, has developed a lot in recent times.

It has created a much more convenient and easier option for users. I admit, until now it was a bit more difficult, for example, to configure the different GPUs correctly. But nowadays the software recognizes it automatically and you can start the work process with a few clicks. For me, its presence is very convenient and does not bother me at all while using the computer.

👋 My story 👆 above is nothing more than a small success story, with which I wanted to present how you can create a business foundation from nothing. Getting a $1,746.52 computer and creating value from scratch may not be a big deal, but at least it was a true story 😊Be good and take care my friends.

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ℹ️ In the widest possible spectrum of topics, I would like to share with you the services that interest me personally. 👋 Obviously, I wouldn't be here, if world of blockchain technology didn't grabbed my glance, several years ago. 😉

Conscious Approach
Conscious Approach

Various topics about the things in life that are considered interesting. Of course, everything is relative, you decide whether or not to follow my insights that surface through various topics. I am receptive to crypto and various social or other topics. The selection of topics here is mixed, the inspiration for my writings is generated by impulses from the outside world. I like my mind to wander on a wide spectrum. If just one topic is the conception, then we meets always the fluctuation of creativity. 👋

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