The relief that comes from walking away

   Never invest more than you can afford to lose. That’s one of the most common pieces of advice there is when it comes to investing.  For me as it turns out, there is also a second meaning to that phrase. Only after some time of walking away from my investments have I come to realize I was overly invested emotionally as well. 

       When I say walking away,let me define what that means in my case. I have been investing for some time now. I started in stocks and after a few years,I wandered into the land of crypto. It was during the spring of 2021, when ETH had gone from 3k to 4K in what seemed like a week.  I was definitely caught up in the hype that comes with crypto bull runs. And then we had the crash,but yet my emotional investment didn’t change. I found myself checking charts multiple times a day,even during downtrends. It was so easy to click that Coinbase app and take a peek. Upward movement,downward movement…it was all good but what really hurt was the sideways movement. After looking at prices for the 10th time in a few hours, it was torture seeing the price move less than a percent. I found I became consumed with the price action.

     I would spend large chunks of time opening my apps and just reading the same fucking thing over and over lol. It got to the point that I was missing out on things in real life. The things that make you emotionally rich. Sometimes I would blow my kids off when they asked me to draw with thwm

or do any silly little thing that they wanted. But it’s the silly little things that mean so much to little kids. And to this dad too. More and more my patience became shorter, and more and more I would say “In a little bit,not now” when asked to do something. Looking back now,that is a kind of regret that hurts me. I am a single dad to two little boys that mean the world to me and I neglected their feelings over stupid ass price action. What a dick. 

  Relief finally came to me. Something happened in the house and we all got sick. I was pretty ill so I didn’t want to be bothered with check crypto much. And then I became so sick,that I could not eat,nor did I want to,for 6 days. I lost 19lbs in a week. I looked like a skeleton in the mirror. And I had no idea what crypto was doing. None! And yet I felt good about it. So I kept the app closed. It wasn’t until a few days later when it was time to make my DCA purchase thatI realized it. So I stayed off. Stayed off Reddit and also stayed off everything that had to do with Crypto. Almost immediately I could feel joy and happiness coming back to my life. The small things were important again. I knew I had invested too much of my emotions and my time in crypto. And now i knew what a mistake that was and that i would never make that mistake again. 

  So now,fast forward to today. I’m enjoying every second of my kids lives again. In fact I am enjoying everything again. Once a week, I log into my app and make a DCA purchase. I spend no more than 30 minutes checking the charts of any investments I’m interested in and look for entry or exit points or just the general trend of the crypto. The rest of my time,my life…it’s all mine. I can’t tell you the relief that comes with That decision. I care less what’s going on with all the bs and drama that comes with crypto. My investments,the few cryptos I have,are all long term plays. So who cares what’s happening in the short term. Not me. My biggest worry every day is what will I cook for dinner lol

    So if you’re stressed out with all the shit that’s happening with crypto,do yourself a favor and just walk away! You’ll be glad you did. I know I am. 

   None of this should be considered financial advice. Like many of you I work hard for my money. I’m just a Harley riding,scooter trash, crypto investing Dad! If you enjoyed this story please consider following me. I write about everything from crypto to my life experiences. I have some referral links so please consider using them if they interest you. In the meantime,remember….Don’t let your meat loaf!!!


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I like crypto. How I got here I’m not quite sure. I went from a hard partying, outlaw motorcycle club member to a father of two, investing in crypto to achieve a better life for me and my two little boys

Confessions of a crypto enthusiast
Confessions of a crypto enthusiast

The life,times and adventures of a former,hard partying biker who started investing after my son was born. Eventually I discovered crypto and then the real adventure began!

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