Web 3.0

Beginner's Guide to Web 3.0 - What is it?

By AndrewCF | CompareBitcoinExchange | 28 Jun 2022

What exactly is Web 3.0? I'm sure that we have all heard the term as it seems to have been the buzzword of recent times, but what exactly is it and how does it differ from the internet we experienced in the past and the one we have today. In this Beginner's Guide, we will keep it as simpl and clear and concise for you as we possibly can.


WEB 1.0

The start of the internet. There wasn't much interaction. Websites were mostly static and existed to serve information and to be observed. It was a mostly passive or "read-only" experience.


WEB 2.0

Web 2.0 saw a major shift and the advent of social media signaled a move away from "read-only" internet to a much more participatory experience. Web 2.0 became all about communities, collaboration and sharing of experiences, mostly through the larger social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram and twitter


WEB 3.0

The future of Web 3.0 will see a move away from centralized platforms towards and internet where users will not only create their own content but also own it. Web 3.0 seeks to be more decentralized, open and provide utility for its participants. The metaverse and virtual worlds will play a large part in the evolution of Web 3.0

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