World Happiness Report 2024: Nordic Countries Dominate Top Ranks

World Happiness Report 2024: Nordic Countries Dominate Top Ranks

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 22 Mar 2024

For the seventh year in a row! No wonder! Finland is the happiest country in the World Happiness Report's annual rankings of the happiest countries in the world.

Finland is followed by Denmark, Iceland and Sweden. Israel, despite war against Hamas, too made it to the top five of the ranking.

Meanwhile, Afghanistan was deemed as the least happy country, after Congo, Sierra Leone, Lesotho and Lebanon.

The most of the rankings were relatively usual except US and Germany didn't make it to the top ten for the first time in over a decade long history of WHR publishing every year.

Another one is India's ranking at 126 out of the 140 nations is quite a shock for me personally. More so because ranking India below Pakistan and Nepal is definitely incorrect.

Full list of world's happiest (or unhappiest) countries


Your Take On the Report??

Do you believe that the report is credible? Is there a shocking rank for a country according to you?

The question that I really want to ask is :

As a Bitcoiner What is the nation where you can lead the happiest life?


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