Spend-Sats.com is the place where you can discover where to pay with Bitcoin. An Online Directory of Businesses to pay with B

Introducing Spend-SATS : Discover Where You Can Pay With Bitcoin

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 10 Mar 2024

It's quite visible that Bitcoin is now moving into a zone where people will start accepting it as a mode of payment. All thanks to lightening. Now because of the succes of lightening, more and more businesses are coming forward to accept Bitcoin. However it's still isn't easy to locate businesses and local stores that accept Bitcoin. To ease this out, SpendSats has come up with an idea to list down all business that accept Bitcoin as payment method and users can easily discover where they can pay with Bitcoin. 

You might have already seen or heard about some online directories for specific marketplaces or businesses. Foursquare and YellowPages have been among the popular names to list local business profiles online. Spend Sats is in many ways the same as Foursquare or YellowPages. But what distinguishes it from other is it's affinity to Bitcoin. 

Currently Spend Sats has 125+ businesses from various categories which you can discover and pay with Bitcoin. These include some famous names like Bitrefill, Shopinbit, Camisatoshi etc. The list is expanding rapidly and I won't be surprised if it grows exponentially within a few days. 

To undestand spend-sats.com a little better, let's explore some of the know how's about it. 

How to list A Business on Spend Sats

It's quite easy actually. Anyone can list a business on this site. The site has a dedicated button on the top right that says 'Add Listing'. When you click there, the first thing you need to do is sign in with your lightning wallet. Just fill out a few more details of your business and you are all set. 

How Your Business is Verified

This is what I personally liked the most about having a business on Spend Sats. All businesses get a dedicated page where they can give a little intro about their products or services. But the most interesting of all is a rating box that has upvotes or downvotes. Users pay 1 Sat for either upvoting or downvoting. To submit reviews, users gave to sign in with their LN wallets, making it the most decentralized online business directory. 

Spend-sats.com an online directory to discover where you can pay with Bitcoin.

How Users Discover Business And Stores on Spend Sats

Users can search directly with the keywords or can explore various categories on the homepage. Spend Sats is quite new but you can find many valuable goods and services already listed there. The range of services include from food to air travel. The range of goods include from clothes to jwellery and real-estate. 

Key Takeaways

Spend-Sats is one of those websites that may well define the upcoming era of pro Bitcoin marketplaces. Currently we are in the phase of transformation where more and more businesses are shifting their fiat mindset to a Bitcoin Standard. This collective approach under one Hut on spend-sats.com will provide the much needed pace to spending directly with Bitcoin. Overall, spand-sats.com is our next stride towards the realisation of Bitcoin Standard.

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