India needs to allocate funds for jobs creation

India is turning it around on the jobs scene; or may be not?

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 27 Jul 2024

India's manufacturing sector has seen a significant job growth over the past two years, surpassing the services sector. This turnaround is driven by government incentives, increased domestic demand, and companies expanding capacities. The sector is projected to create millions of jobs by 2024, contributing to the nation's goal of becoming a global manufacturing hub. aHR0cHM6Ly9tLnN0YWNrZXIubmV3cy80MTgzOQ

Still not enough to take care of the ever increasing inflation! Government needs to boost Agriculture with modern techniques as it's where Indian people are getting poorer.  

India is likely to have the highest per-capita income growth in the world at 5.4 per cent per annum during 2024-33, allowing it and other emerging economies to drive global consumption of agricultural and fisheries products in the next decade, according to a recent report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

aHR0cHM6Ly9tLnN0YWNrZXIubmV3cy80MTM2Mg This may sound like a great news for India but it can only be realised when the great income gap can be filled by boosting jobs and income opportunities for the poor and the middle class in India. Currently, this seems a far cry and yesterday's budget don't make any promising signs for employment creation. This time, the budget has just raised the expenditure for skill development and MSME loan by 20% than the previous one. But the media is making this 20% look like an increase of more than 200%. India needs to rise above data politics and be realistic.    

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