AI based tokens will lead the bull run in Cryptocurrency world for 2023, 2024, 2025

Here's Why AI (Artificial Intelligence) Tokens Will Lead The Next Bull Run

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 21 Nov 2023

Artificial Intelligence or AI has been all over the tech headlines for quite some time now and it will continue to do so. Why it's getting such a huge coverage is entirely because the application of AI into real world presents a controversial scenario. Proponents of AI are viewing it as necessity for future challenges and critics are calling it the killer of human creativity or imagination.

However this controversy has not affected the confab between AI and Blockchain Technology. Together they are shaping up some groundbreaking initiatives. There are more than 90 AI focused cryptocurrencies in the market right now. At least 15 AI tokens have surpassed $100 Million on the market cap. There are 3 tokens inside the top 100 coins on the market cap. The combined market value of AI tokens is $6,798,341,826 which is nearly the same as does Polkadot. Considering these statistics, it won't be a surprise if we see one of the AI projects skyrocket into the top tens in near future. 

If nothing else, given the rapid growth AI tokens have shown in the market, it is almost certain that AI tokens will lead the next bull market. We have been mostly under the bear effect for the last two years, yet almost all of the AI tokens have posted returns much like a bull market. For Example #TAO (Bittensor) nearly five folded in a matter of few days. RNDR (Render), AGIX (SingularityNET), FET (FetchAI), AKT (Akash Network), CORGI (CorgiAI) and many others have posted +600% returns in a year. Just imagine how will these machine learning models perform when the crypto market is in the most bullish channel.

Top 10 most performing coins in the last 30 days. AI Tokens have dominated by a big margin. More than 1000% growth for CORGIAI and +400% for TAO. Bullish for AI Tokens.

Source: Coinmarketcap

The bullish channel here means the awaited approval of Bitcoin ETFs + Bitcoin halving + Ethereum's subsequent transformation + A Clearer regulatory landscape + more and more adoption. 

Now let's pinpoint to what's driving this AI crypto rally and why would they lead the next bull run. 

The above mentioned use cases are specific to AI and it remains to be seen how much of blockchain and Cryptocurrency would play a role in shaping the future of machine learning. However from the recent intersection of AI and Crypto has definitely opened up wider opportunities that has all the potential to turn into a successful innovation. Here are some of the advantages that AI has brought into crypto universe:

  • Real time market monitoring
  • Trading Automation
  • Enhanced Security
  • Better Optimization 
  • Streamlined User Experience

In a Nutshell, AI and Machine learning based cryptocurrencies can prove to be one of the leading forces to drive Blockchain technology to the next level. This is even more so because not only investors are speculating in cryptocurrencies but developers are also participating a lot in it. As developers are eying a huge potential in this niche, this is something that's driving investment into them at a rapid rate. Even though Artificial Intelligence based crypto is very early in life or speculations are very high, it still cannot rule out its practical future. 

At last, looking at their practical applications and future implications, it would not be wrong to say that AI and ML (Machine Learning) based cryptocurrencies will be on the driver's seat in the upcoming crypto bull run.

Adios ... Ciao.... Bye ... Take care ...

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