Someone just went ROFL stutrinng 'OMG, that's so whacky!" Not realising what just happened, I was shocked at his sudden cringe. I asked him and look what he said, "He was fired, he backfired, he was rehired. Sam Altman is back as the CEeeeeeeO of Open AI!" I was like "YIKES!" Nevertheless, this seemed so kiddish from Microsoft and Open AI that I couldn't help writing this satire purely because "I am also the armchair CEO of Satire LLC." Kindly bear it with me.
Starting with my most favourite one. Here's the whiz!
Sam Altman, The Avenger seems like a suitable title for the new hit produced by OpenAI LLC. In the movie, the protagonist suffers a huge loss when he has to leave his love of life because the antagonist falsely traps him in 'DISHONESTY'. He is, however 'HONEST to his kidneys' so he plans to get his love back and fighting against all odds live an avenger, he wins the battle and resumes his love affair back. Indeed, that's how cheesy it all have been when you look at firing and rehiring of Sam Altman as the CEO of Open AI in just 5 days.
What we can take out of the drama is nothing less than a comedy of errors because the one's who wanted Sam Altman to be the boss again are his juniors and interns who he picked up from the streets while they had been homeless, jobless and boseless of course. They are the ones who's names are now scribed on the pages of history. They will always be remembered for their unshakable love for their boss. Don't relate it with yourself, your boss is a boss not the wolf of Wall wall street. Nevertheless, enjoy the video clip and dream 'What will be the day when we get a boss like Mr Altman?'
There are nuts everywhere who would suggest you everything why Altman is rehired, why fired, why more than 500 employees collectively resigned. But nobody would ever know the details. However, with my spy eye, I saw that it was ChatGPT that predicted 5 days exile for Sam when he asked 'How do you predict my next 5 days?'. This question from the creator himself irritated Open AI, and Open AI sentenced him a 5 day exile without pay. The details are missing, you the bomb OpenAI!
What is that we fear the most with AI? It's that one day AI will be more intelligent than human brain and it will command humanity. Yes, the nightmare has turned real. Sam Altman just wanna show how AI can help us in hiring process. If needed it can fire the staff as well.
To wrap it up on a serious note, most of us wanna watch the next season of this high octane drama. What did you just say? A No! Okay that's your choice. Just FYI.....
"I'm only dead-ass that the next part would feature Donald Trump's firing himself, backfiring himself and again rehiring himself."
Adios ... Ciao.... Bye ... Take care ...
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