Ledger is attacked by hackers who replaced key code in their software and drained around 1.4 billion of users

Breaking: Ledger 'ConnectKit' Hacked

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 14 Dec 2023

Just another day in crypto and there's another attempt to steal your crypto. This time, they have attacked 'Ledger' which claims to be the safest of all wallets. 

Ledger, that provides cold (offline) wallet services has accepted recently about a malicious code breaching into its connectkit library. Reportedly, the vulnerability issue is connected to the 'LedgerHQ' library files that DApps use to connect with Ledger. 

As reports are emerging the malicious code was  injected into the library files to attempt a 'drain' of users crypto assets. The hackers replaced it by breaching into the front ends of multiple DApps. Many DApps has confirmed it on 'X' and closed on their front ends without delay.

The injected code prompts users to connect their wallet via a pop-up and then drains their wallet. As soon as users connected leger via 'connectkit',  there was an unusual 'pop-up lay' happening on the front pages of the DApps.

The attack has caused a mini crash in crypto market as Ledger took notice and promptly assured the users on 'X'. Ledger is constantly providing updates about the issue. Ledger is well on path of making amends. Indeed, they have taken it seriously and have changed the malicious code to a new genuine one.

Here's a timeline from Ledger about the malicious attack and aftermath.

Until and Unless Ledger declares it safe to use the connect kit, stay away from connecting your ledger wallet online and be safe.


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Adios ... Ciao.... Bye ... Take care ...

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