Bitcoin Forming Ground For Another Breakout or Bull Run as the ETF Approved by SEC

Bitcoin Forming Ground For Another Breakout

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 17 Dec 2023

Hello folks! Hope you all are enjoying this little phase of breaking shackles like bangles by Bitcoin. From $25k to $45k, all in just 4 months. This isn't new for Bitcoin and we all know this. How we took this rally was as a relief. It was definitely a relief from pain. Isn't it? 

But what about those who are new and have entered just at the right time. The right time for this time was about $15k to $20k. (For me every time is the right time because I only HODL). 

But what about those who were thinking of a $12k or below. Sorry, but Bitcoin won't crash down more than 70%. Wasn't it enough pull back? Yes it was for an asset that breached a trillion dollar recently. You took the wrong direction, your fault. You didn't attend your maths classes, your fault. And now, you don't seem to understand which side the wind blows, again your fault.

Bitcoin, after reaching as high as $45k, dipped down to $40k. Sudden voices chipped in to claim that it will be a break down to $24k before the final boom. Wtf! Why and how? Only because the support lies there. But you forgot that those who missed out at $16k (because they were delusional), have entered at $40k, $39k, $38k, $37k and so on and their support is impregnable just because they are wounded lions and tigers of their own myths.

For now, after taking support of $40k to $41k where the most of the liquidity currently sits. Bitcoin has started moving sideways. Sideways, huhh, that means Bitcoin has started consolidating above these levels and the more it consolidate, the stronger the support grows around these levels. That all means that Bitcoin is forming ground for another breakout.

Fear of a Bitcoin Breakout

So, why not trust your simple and practical maths this time! Don't let your judgement influence your emotions. Bitcoin doesn't require any technical knowledge as of yet. It's still a baby and not so complicated.

The wind is blowing in the direction of an ETF APPROVAL which may be anytime. And until it's confirmed by the SEC, Bitcoin won't let you down. Theres no need to greed and no need to fear. No FOMO or No FUD this time. Believe it or not but Bitcoin won't be below $35k levels even of a FUD shakes it.

So, for those who are thinking that it may be back to August, 23 levels again, you need to go back to schools and learn psychology for it also works in economics. Economics that is for you, by you and also from you. we all love Bitcoin and we know that where we are. 


As Always Thanks for Reading and Tipping 

Adios ... Ciao.... Bye ... Take care ...

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Coins Reporter
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