Why do you Bitcoin? Orange pills of Bitcoin.

A simple question — why do you Bitcoin?

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 6 Apr 2024

Today, I got a chance with some me time and had done nothing else than to reflect on my Bitcoin learning. For the last two months or so, I had been surrounded with so many thoughts about Bitcoin and its intricacies. But, I also feel that my mind has filled with so many ifs and buts.  

I know I'm not sure how to react when people form different views about the same thing. I like to be part of such debates but oft I am left with more confusion than solution. So, I thought and decided, how would it be if I reach a consensus and be on one side of the coin rather hanging in the middle.  

My journey with Bitcoin so far has made me realise that all discussions here reach a consensus. Consensus when you react in favour or disfavour of something. I remember how I posted a comment with 'Vegetarian Superfoods' in reply to 'Animal foods are Real Superfoods'.  

Bitcoiners' reaction to my comment made me realise that even two perspectives can stand together.   Bitcoin vs Fiat  

So, in order to form a consensus in my mind and reach a conclusion, for this time I asked myself - Why do I Bitcoin?  

  • I don’t want to have to ask for permission to use my money. I want to be able to use my money when and how I see fit.
  • I don’t want to have to follow anybody else’s rules when it comes to my money.
  • I want to be able to easily audit the supply of my money.
  • I don’t want any third party to be able to steal my money by pressing a button or passing a law.
  • I want to retire on funds that are not filtered through and controlled by banks and other instituitions.
  • Bitcoin is "fuck you money" in a double sense, not just "enough to not care what others want from you", but also "not stoppable by those who would want to stop you". All the money in the world is useless if some bank bureaucrat can just freeze it.
  • Lastly, Bitcoin is inevitable, so I Bitcoin.

These are some of my reasons for which I Bitcoin and if you can relate even one of them, you're the one to Bitcoin. So, why not tell your reason - Why do you Bitcoin?


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Coins Reporter
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Once a Bitcoiner and forever will be. Love to share my views even if they are unbelievable.


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