Crypto Roadmap 2024 Bull Run, AI, NFT, Web3

A Brief Crypto Roadmap For 2024 Bull Run: From ETFs To NFTs

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 26 Dec 2023

As 2023 nearing its end, we may be feeling a bit sad and don't wanna let it go. It isn't in our control as we can't stop time and we obviously don't want to stop it. But what we want is that the next year 2024 should be much more brighter for crypto than 2023. Here's my take on what I think should be the roadmap for crypto in 2024. 

A Big Bitcoin Bull🐂 Run

There's no denying t the fact that Bitcoin has brought crypto and blockchain technology to the mainstream. Bitcoin is the righteous king of Crypto Kingdom and I believe that It's due of a huge bull run like a 10X or 20X. I accept most of you won't buy these predictions for Bitcoin at this time. However it seems an easy task if we get ETFs approved and institutions pour a little percentage of money into Bitcoin. 

Bitcoin Bull Run like never before

In addition to institutional money, we also have the next halving set in 2024 which is like a guarantee to ignite a bull run for Bitcoin. The institutional miners have invested hugely, actually in Billions

Time to Scale ⚖️ Up?

If we take a closer look at why Solana and Avalanche has been on a roller coaster ride recently, the answer is well be their speed and scalability. Crypto can't ignore these kind of hindrances for long now and what I can assume that the time has finally arrived when more and more scaling solutions will try their fate. 

We as crypto enthusiasts definitely need to sort some things and one of them is surely the issue of 'scalability'. To adopt crypto as a method for 'daily transactions' we need something like Solana, Elrond, Stellar, Polygon and what we had contested for recently; Tectum. 

Time To Link 🔗 Everything

An interconnected or all linked ecosystem of cryptocurrencies is another requirement that the Crypto community desperately needs. Although there are many solutions currently that are trying hard to take care of this, we still need something more practical and user friendly. I believe that 2024 will bring something much more innovative which will connect Ethereum, Bitcoin, Solana, Polygon, Avalanche and all other like they are all same not different. 

ZK Roll Ups Get Bigger And Better

With the uprise of interoperable modules, there will be a huge demand for Zero Knowledge technology in the upcoming year. More so because ZK Roll Ups are fit to provide sheltering security to interoperable bridges. Experts are betting heavily on ZK Roll Ups for 2024 because they are proving to be more efficient while transacting accross blockchains. 

A Big Leap For AI And ML

With the rise of OpenAI, a whole new world of opportunities have been opening up recently. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have already started influencing blockchain world. Many crypto projects based on AI and ML have joined the innovation and may are ready to roll out. Some of them, such as Bittensor (TAO), Render Network (RNDR) and FetchAI (FET) are leading the way.

Web3🌐Finaly Breaks Out?

Web3 has been under the making for very long now. We have been listening about them so very often but unfortunately it hasn't had a breakout so far. Can 2024 push web3 to new highs? The market definitely seems quite optimistic for web3 with gamefi leading the way. 

Also, the roadmap for the year 2024 is presenting a promising picture for social DApps, RWAs and layer2 solutions. As all these niche contribute to form the basis of web3, the growth for this niche should be exceptional.

2024 Will See The End of Roads for NFTs? 

Many analysts have predicted that the best times for NFTs are over and the craze and madness for Collectibles is over. However their analysis is highly doubtful for the reason that these are the same who always predict that 'Bitcoin is Dead' and are definitely like the frogs in the rainy season. With the bear market in its full swing, they took the opportunity to announce the death of NFTs. I promise to bring out in detail about why I think 2024 will see a resurgence for NFTs.

All In All A Bright And Sunny 2024

You may agree or disagree with any of the above projections for 2024 but all Ave to agree to this last one. Especially when we are about to start the year with the most awaited approval of a Spot Bitcoin ETF. Almost everyone has calculated that it would be a catalyst to form a regulatory landscape for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies apart from bringing institutional money. Also, a few months later we shall witness the halving. We all know what happens when that happens. There are definitely many other prospects that would be progressing to another level in 2024.

For me the most madness would surround to AI coins or may be with BRC-20 tokens or ORDIs. What do you think will go frenzy in 2024? 



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Adios ... Ciao.... Bye ... Take care ...

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