9GAG Army has Memeland that presents its Cryptocurrency Memecoin

3 Reasons Why Memecoin Can Be A Game Changer

By Coins Reporter | Coinsreporter | 6 Nov 2023

The fact that Memes and Meme Coins like DOGE, SHIB, PEPE and many others have already proven how attractive and lucrative products they are. This time around the creator of NFT based social media platform 9GAG has put its feet in Cryptocurrency world with Memecoin. Memecoin is a product derived out of Memeland, a web 3-focused venture studio which connects users through Memes and NFTs. Since Memecoin is progressing so positively, here are 3 reasons why it can prove to be a game changer for the ever expanding world of Meme Coins. Let's explore. 

👉 The 9GAG Community:

As you may already know that 9GAG is now a big name among social media platforms. It has more than 40 million registered users and gets over 150 million global unique views every month. So for such a huge community it was no wonder that Memeland was an instant success when launched. Since Memeland now have their own currency, it will boost interest in the overall development of 9GAG ecosystem. So, with the backing of such a huge community, memecoin can potentially be the next big thing.

9GAG community is so huge that it will take Memecoin to $1 in a few days

👉 The Overwhelming Demand: 

Yesthe demand for Memecoin has been mor than the anticipation. The presale has ended with a staggering amount of $52 Million. The Fire sale which is running on Memecoin official website is also almost over. Memecoin price has surged more than 2000% upon its initial release. This growth is definitely associated with a rise in demand. Also we must be aware with the fact that 9GAG, the company behind Memecoin has much of its fanbase in Pacific region which is much more famous for adopting smaller coins.

The recent entrant on Binance is Memecoin from Memeland. Binance has recently added this coin to its launchpad. You can simply harvest Memecoin by staking BNB or FDUSD on Binance Launchpad. 

Binance Launchpad lists Memecoin

👉 A True Version of Meme Coins:

While most other meme coins only picture a dog or a frog on the logo, Memecoin and its peers are truly LinkedIn to the industry of memes. 9GAG encourages users to post memes on its platform and on Memeland we can mint NFTs. So, Memecoin is working upon a true association of memes with NFTs and Web3. This can put Memecoin as a front runner while talking about use cases for memecoins, which they often lack.

So these are 3 reasons that I think will eventually bring Memecoin the success it deserves. You can also tell me your reasoning down under the comment box.


As always Thanks for Reading

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