Ethereum Classic Change Brand Name to Classic X

By Netterscutters | COININFO | 7 Sep 2019


Ethereum Classic plans to change the brand name increasingly positive. Stevan Lohja, a technology coordinator at Ethereum Classic Labs, said that top crypto would occur "rectal" by Ethereum Classic (ETC) if the "Ethereum" brand was removed or renamed.

In a tweet, Lohja said:

"Opinion: A lot of #cryptocurrency with top market capitalization will really be #Rekt by #EthereumClassic if we remove #Ethereum from the brand name."


Classic X

Lohja said that the ETC was the original Ethereum project and referred to the fact that the coin ran on the original version of the Ethereum blockchain before the fork in 2016.

After the hard fork occurred, "Classic" was added to the name Ethereum to distinguish it from its successor, Ether (ETH) or commonly called Ethereum.

Ether currently ranks first as the largest altcoin based on market capitalization and is under Bitcoin, while the ETC is ranked 16th.

Lohja believes that the coin must separate itself completely from the Ethereum project in terms of its branding to get an increase in market capitalization. Yaz Khoury, director of the ETC Ethereum Classic Cooperative non-profit organization also has a positive response and is in line with Lohja's opinion.

This topic will be thoroughly investigated by ETC officials at the ETC Summit which will be held in Vancouver, Canada on 3-4 October 2019.

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